Thursday, October 28, 2010

two topics

1. post 9/11
Cayce’s experience with 9/11 shows indifference when she was there in New York and became fear when realizing her father went missing after he got out of the Mayflower. This indifference could mostly be the shock that has not processed the explosions of the plane that crashes in the world trade center. There were chaos on that day so would be traumatic seeing it on television causing Cayce’s fear of seeing news on television. Toward the world the social commentary is viewed in two ways, remorse for the dead and revenge for the dead. This changed the Americans view of America: it was not save anymore; though it never was. Americans became more suspicious of each other because they feared terrorism. Americans felt the first impact of invasion from outsiders besides pearl harbor. For Cayce, her mother sends her messages via e-mail about voice recorders that are supposably her dead father’s voice trying to communicate with them. Her mother believes that the dead till everything. Post-9/11 and Cayce’s father missing could be a key point in the plot, must read more to prove that.

2. depictions of gender
For Hubertus he has the cowboy hat and a smile that is like Tom Cruise with many teeth. Seeing Hubertus in Cayce’s point of view shows that Hubertus is handsome and a man, because of his demanding and imposing character. While for Cayce, she is genderless when she wears her CPUs. There are many characters that differ with Cayce’s appearance, and they are all more feminine and imposing. These depictions of gender are accurate because a person never knows what is behind a handsome smile or why William Gibson make all the women attractive besides Cayce. We could speculate that Cayce is just a normal lady while the readers compare her with the other women that are introduced for example, Damien’s new girlfriend, Hubertus’ travel agent, Keiko/Judy. It shows that the men are more dominant and that the women are more sexually attractive distracting the main point of the story. Also the different appearances in men is seen through Taki, Damien, and Boone Chu.

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